25 Things You Should Never Say To Harry Potter Fans

"Why are you reading that kids' book?"

There are some things that we just haven't been able to get over since Harry Potter got old and retired from the literary world. Every time you see a snowy owl your heart starts to cry, you miss Fred and Sirius with your entire being and it brings you to tears when you think about how Teddy will never know how wonderful his parents were. You automatically turn to page 394 in any book, you wonder what they're all doing right now in the wizarding world and you would probably give up your muggle life if tomorrow if it meant even the slightest opportunity to get into Hogwarts. Basically, even though the series ended eight years ago, it's still very raw and very much a big part of your life. You'll happily duel anyone who disses anything remotely related to Harry Potter and although you'll think you don't have it in you to Crucio them unless they bring out the "Harry Potter is rubbish" there are lines that should never be crossed. If you're still a devoted Potter fan, here are a few statements that you're simply sick of hearing.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com