10 Characters Who Could Return In Marvel Legacy

9. Cyclops

Marvel Legacy 1
Marvel Comics

Before Cyclops died, he had turned into a violent extremist. With Marvel returning to more classic heroic stories, it might be time to bring Cyclops back and see how the world changed without him.

Cyclops has always carried the weight of the X-Men on his shoulders, believing that he alone had to move Professor Xavier's dream forward. In his absence, the X-Men have grown into something closer to that goal than when he, Cyclops, was alive. Mutants still have a long way to go as a whole, but steps in the right direction have been taken.

Being the original field leader of Marvel's most successful ensemble, Cyclops will eventually have to reunite with the X-Men. Certainly so, if he's to shake his reputation as a domestic terrorist.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast