10 DC Storylines That Need To Be Adapted To Film

9. Batman Beyond

Batman Death in the Family Robin Death
DC Comics

Futuristic characters are always a joy to learn about, and the Batman of the future poses no exception.

Batman The Animated Series is continuously praised, and for a good reason too, but something that continually flies under the radar is the Batman Beyond TV show. The show revolves around a former juvenile teen named Terry McGuiness as he tracks down his father's killers. Eventually, he finds his way into the Bat-cave and becomes the new Batman after Bruce Wayne (now retired) decides to resurrect his crime-fighting career.

This story is just begging to be seen by mainstream audiences, and the black and red logo would make Warner Brothers so much merchandise money just as the classic black and yellow logo has.

Nowadays all comic book movies are set in modern times or in space, but nothing is set in the future. Batman Beyond would be a great way to break the status quo as it places a character many people are familiar with in a futuristic environment to become a mentor to a new hero people could relate to.


My name is Blake Whitehouse and I am a 24 year old from Indiana in the United States. My love of Star Wars, DC Comics, Pokémon, and video games have led me to where I am in life.