10 Funniest Moments In Marvel Comics

8. Creed Plays With Toys

Squirrel Girl Thanos
Marvel Comics

The idea alone of an eons old, murderous villain playing toys with a child is never not funny. Make said villain Victor Creed – known better as Sabretooth – and it ends up nothing short of hilarious.

The best part of this is that it occurs side by side with the most intense art of Wolverine’s story in the 2014 comic, meaning we also know that while Wolverine is risking his life and having to do hardcore soul searching, his arch-enemy has been playing dolls.

Okay, he is playing toys with a child he is essentially holding as blackmail material – so it’s not entirely out of character. But the image of a hulking murder machine playing toys with a kid for a few hours minimum is one of those things that gets funnier the more you think about it. It also raises a crucial question: does Sabretooth do voices?


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.