10 Insanely Dark Batman Moments That'll Never Make It To Film

9. Sex With Black Canary While Criminals Burn

thomas wayne batman
DC Comics

Pretty much every panel in Frank Miller's debasive All-Star Batman and Robin is classed as a WTF moment, and this tops the lot.

In issue #7 of the bonkers series, Batman rushes to Black Canary's aid as she struggles with a gang of thugs on a rain-drenched Gotham dock. So far, so heroic.

But what happens next is the mother of all not-safe-for-work moments. Hell, it's not safe for anywhere, least of all the big screen.

After burning the gang to death by igniting a bottle of bleach, Bats and the Canary have sex right there on the pier, mere feet away from the smouldering corpses!

So, yeah, we can safely say we'll never see a version of Batman on the big screen who is turned on by burning bad guys.

We should never have even seen this in comics, but what do you expect from a story arc in which Bats calls Robin "retarded" and refers to himself as "the !*$% Batman"?

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