10 More Insane Versions Of Batman You Won't Believe Exist

fb962b60 Hey you! Yeah you! I saw you reaching for the Spider-Man comic. What, my list of 10 Insane Versions of Batman You Won't Believe Exist wasn't enough for you? You still don't think you could have all the Batmen you ever need? Well let me sit you down and tell you that you are wrong. In fact, I barely scratched the surface last time. Batman has so many wacky versions of himself running around in old DC continuity, that there are even more hiding around out there that aren't on my this weeks list. But today, I bring you batmen who fill out boyhood dream jobs, change time and are animals that are neither man nor bat. So if you have some important revision, essay, taxes, phone calls, emails, or work to do, blow it off as I fill your head with totally important and incredibly fulfilling information about various versions of Batman. Back by request, I bring 10 more insane Batman variations from the depths of DC comics.

10. Pirate Batman

rsz_1leatherwing_004 Ol' Captain Leatherwing, The man who gets to lay claim to being 'Pirate Batman'. In this alternate reality, Batman is an English pirate working for the state to rob and kill their enemies. The Captain of the Flying Fox, he is joined on his trips by his Italian navigator Alfredo and orphan Robin Redblade. However, he holds a secret port where he hides his amassed loot that is much desired by his enemies. His chief rival? That would be the Laughing Man. Pirate Batman also has a pretty complicated love life. Accidentally getting married to the princess of Panama and then quickly becomes enamoured with Capitana Felina (Catwoman). They have a pretty on/off relationship, one moment making love, the next she is telling his whereabouts to the Laughing Man. Oh yeah and you know how one of the things that defines Batman is his no killing stance? Yeah that doesn't apply here. Towards the end of the book, he impales the Laughing Man to the mast of his boat and lets it sink. But before you judge him, he only wants to spill as little blood as possible. So everything is justified. I guess...
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.