10 Outdated Superhero Costumes In Desperate Need Of A Redesign

9. Hulk

Black Cat Evil That Men Do
Marvel Comics

Possibly a contentious one, given that his purple shorts are bordering on iconic, but the fact remains that he hasn’t received any significant update since his debut. There’s nothing sexual about his near nakedness (which isn’t true for everyone here), but the intro did specify that that wasn’t the only category being considered.

Avengers: Infinity War focussed more on Bruce Banner and put him in the Hulkbuster armour, and for the comics to get more on board with putting Hulk into newer situations and newer costumes would be a great continuation. Then again, Hulk is one of the most popular characters in comics, easily the most popular here, so it might be a case of if it ain’t broke...

A common question readers often have for Hulk is exactly how his pants stay on, especially when the rest of his clothes are torn off. The vague answer offered up is ‘unstable molecules’, but then surely the same supertech could be used on other outfits.

Nobody is advocating that Hulk should be more realistic and lose all his clothes, but having these molecules in various different outfits could see his wardrobe be tweaked without needing his personality to change, a la Professor Hulk.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)