10 Reasons To Look Forward To Doomsday Clock

9. A Return To The Multiverse?

Doomsday Clock Batman Flash The Button
DC Comics

Most of Geoff Johns' big events involve the Multiverse in some way; from Infinite Crisis to 52 to Flashpoint, the writer's often drawn to the story possibilities of DC's expansive multiverse.

And with the Watchmen coming to the DC Universe, one can only assume that the multiverse is somehow involved here.

In recent years, the multiverse is not too often seen. It exists, sure, that much is evident, but it doesn't come into play as often as it used to back in the day. Outside of Grant Morrison's Multiversity, and a few arcs on some DC books here and there, and the current DC Event, Dark Nights: Metal involves the new Dark Multiverse, the multiverse is often discussed but not seen.

The biggest connection was probably Earth 2, and the titles which span out of it, but all those have ended a while ago now, leaving the wider multiverse largely silent in the DC books.

But Johns is all about the idea of these competing narratives and worlds coming into play or into conflict with each other. So it seems save to assume that the Multiverse will be an important element in this story.


Joe is a comic book writer out of South Wales, writing LGBTQ+ superhero series The Pride and also co-writing Welsh horror comedy series, Stiffs. He's also a comics reporter and reviewer who works with Bleeding Cool and now WhatCulture too. So he makes comics and talks about comics, but there's more to him too. Somewhere.