10 Terrifying Comic Supervillains That Gave You Nightmares

8. The Corinthian

Doctor Doom Batman New 52
DC Comics

Serial killers make up a decent chunk of the most frightening supervillains, and The Corinthian is no exception to this - except instead of a regular human murderer he is a nightmare created to reflect the evil within humanity which is so, so much worse.

A rough summary of the most frightening part of The Corinthian can be summarised in two awful words; eye mouths. Mouths that are eyes. Mouths were the eyes should be.

It's a design decision that is equal parts genius and absolutely godawful. He also eats regular human eyes through these mouths, which is taking a terrifying feature and making sure it features in at least one of your nightmares.

Worse yet, The Corinthian inhabits humans bodies by carrying out this process, meaning not only do you get your eyes stolen but also your entire being, meaning getting your eyes eaten is not actually the worst part of the whole process. Since The Corinthian has also been shown to be incredibly proficient at combat, there is basically no escape from your eyes becoming the grimmest appetizers out there.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.