10 Times That Avengers Died (And Subsequently Required Avenging)

8. Hawkeye - Avengers Disassembled

Death Of Avengers

It’s easy to imagine; the weakest Avenger was taken out by a stupid decision. Was he shot? Was he stabbed? No, he blew himself up in a situation that could have easily been avoided with even the smallest amount of self-awareness.

Hawkeye's an odd duck when it comes to being an Avenger, and most of the time people are quick to dismiss him as nothing more than an archer. He's proven time and time again that he's a highly capable fighter and leader, yet this was not one of those times.

During a massive conflict in Manhattan with the Kree his quiver full of explosive arrows became compromised. Instead of, you know, taking it off and hurling it far away from him he went for a glorious end. Grabbing a jetpack clad Kree he went on a joyride up into a Kree spaceship, taking it down with him.

Since he kind of killed himself it can be seen as he avenged himself...from himself. It's all good though, as during the 'House of M' story he was magically brought back into existence by the Scarlet Witch's reality bending abilities. He did remember dying though, so that must have sucked.

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A twenty something writer who loves gaming, reading and spiced rum.