10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker’s Life

9. Almost (Accidentally) Revealing His Secret Identity - Ultimate Spider-Man #151

Spider-Man Captain America
Marvel Comics

There are few moments that better represent Iron Man's shortcomings than the guy rocking up on Peter Parker's lawn and asking Aunt May where he is for training, having completely forgotten the minor detail of Parker having spent years carefully cultivating a secret identity. It's almost amazing that the hero can be both a super-genius, and yet simultaneously miss that a fully armoured Iron Man is going to draw some suspicion to whoever he so happens to visit.

It's not on purpose, of course - as when it's brought to Tony's attention that he is single-handedly sabotaging Spider-Man's life better than any supervillain, he immediately pretends he was asking May for directions, and then flies away with considerable embarrassment.

But having your life almost ruined by accident is still almost having your life ruined, and as such Peter is understandably furious at his new mentor - right until he offers to buy Aunt May a new car to make up for everything, of course.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.