10 What If? MCU Scenarios Marvel Should Explore

9. What If The Avengers Had Never Been? (Volume 1, Issue #3)

Punisher Captain America
Marvel Comics

When you keep in mind the Hulk is pretty much the human equivalent of a nuclear warhead, it makes sense that, in a scenario wherein he isn't working with the Avengers leaves him as kind of an existing threat. Really, the vast majority of the Avengers pose a decent threat when they aren't all committed to the same cause - as evidenced pretty clearly in the Civil War film and comic.

This is the exact premise of What If? #3, which stars our favourite superhero team failing to join forces, and then summarily turning on one another. Although its a very surreal scenario, it doesn't feel entirely unbelievable, as the way the lack of a team affects each character feels very true to them - particularly watching Iron Man gently spiral into despair as he tries to come up with some form of a superhero squad.

The issue - and any potential television conversion - drives home that, as much as the Avengers exist to save the world, they also exist to save the Avengers from themselves, in a way.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.