10 Worst Things The Avengers Ever Did

9. Trying To Murder A High School Student

Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow
Marvel Comics

With powers so intense and unpredictable that they can level a school in the blink of an eye, it's understandable that upon their first meeting the Avengers treated not-yet-hero Star Brand as a threat.

However, this dangerous power-house was also a dorky college student whose powers had been unexpectedly thrust upon him, and so the several attempts to at least injure if not kill the boy are totally uncalled for. Star Brand fights back, sure, but only because anyone willing to take a Hulk punch to the jaw is as brave as they are completely insane.

There's also something beautifully awkward about the fact that, a handful of issues later, Star Brand becomes a part of the Avengers, proving to be an invaluable asset to the people who prioritised beating his face in before checking that he was okay.

While there isn't an age limit on beatdowns, trying to murder any kid who shows a sign of having superpowers also isn't getting anyone gold stars for kindness.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.