10 Worst Things The Flash Has Ever Done

9. Trying To Escape Prison - The Flash #164

The Flash Resurrected
DC Comics

While no superhero wants to remain in prison when they could be saving the day, there's something distinctly unheroic about trying to carry out a one-man beatdown on a bunch of prison guards while trying to break out of prison.

It eventually turns out the guards are only trying to imprison the Flash because he's in a mirror dimension where he doesn't exist, but this only justifies their actions more, as in a world where everyone with superpowers is evil, of course a man who can clearly move at inhuman speeds belongs in jail.

At the very least, it may have been worth Wally trying to explain himself, instead of immediately deciding to try and beat up as many people as he possibly could, and only try claiming to be a hero after causing countless injuries.


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