12 Superheroes Ranked By Science (From Lame To Awesome)

2. Wolverine

Wolverine 3

Wolverine's amazing healing abilities, according to the authors of X-Men: Wolverine, are due thanks to a very special set of stem cells in his system.

In order for these cells to continuously differentiate and replicate, they would have to overcome an effect known as the Hayflick limit. This is due to a preloaded "suicide switch" in cells that will only allow them to replicate 40 60 times before undergoing cell death and it is due to the damage that occurs in cells when they reproduce.

If Wolverine's cells could not only get around this limit, but reproduce at a much accelerated rate, they would (a) account for his incredible healing abilities and immortality and (b) closely resemble cancerous cells.

They also suggest that he could also possess the enzyme telomerase, which would allow his cells to reproduce without accumulating damage and allow him to remain in peak condition.

Read more:

Vol 2 (2013), JIST, X-Men: Wolverine

Vol 4 (2015), JIST, The Force Behind His Train Lunge


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.