5 Reasons Marvel Comics Are Failing

4. Crossovers Again?!!!

Marvel Smashed
Marvel Comics

There is an inherent problem every year with Marvel Comics - all we get as fans is yet another crossover event. And the latest has been quite the controversial one.

Imagine you're a reading Captain America, he's doing what Cap does, fighting bad guys and then out of nowhere, he's been a fascist Hydra agent all this time.

After a while they do a big event where it becomes obvious that they're just doing that to bring in another Cap from an alternate universe to likely defeat him and return things back to normal.

What about all the stories that happened before? Well after the previous year's event he was already rebooted so it's just another reboot disguised as a linear story. And you'd have to suspect it would be nailed on that another event in the coming year may pull another big shocker reveal to spike sales.

In short, Marvel will consistently give us stories that may not matter in a few months. If they give readers no reason to be loyal, then readers will drift away, which is the opposite approach to the Walking Dead, a long running comic that doesn't rely on yearly events as reader loyalty is maintained because of a consistent linear story and characters that readers can be invested in.

Marvel really ought to heed those lessons.


A Samoan that watches too much wrestling, too many movies, reads too many comic books. I tell people that my favorite candy bar is "Whatchamacallit" just so they can be confused for a moment.