9 Marvel Characters Who Could Wield Each Of DC's Lantern Rings (And Why)

9. Doctor Doom - Willpower (Green Lantern Ring)

Marvel Comics

Although not a hero, there is absolutely no doubt that Doctor Doom could wield a ring powered by the green light of willpower.

On sheer force of will alone, Doom has managed to do the following: continued to concentrate during a horrifically painful attack by the incredibly powerful, reality warping, omnipotent, omniscient cosmic being the Beyonder; ignored a planetary-scale mutation by the advanced being known as the High Evolutionary which mutated every other living being on the planet; shrugged off the attempts of powerful telepaths such as Emma Frost and Purple Man to enter and control his mind; refused to let out even the smallest noise or indication of pain whilst being tortured in hell; his armour is filled with powerful gadgets for defensive and offensive purposes; he is skilled in the mystic arts, is a very capable physical fighter and is incredibly intelligent.

Plus, his constructs would be extremely intricate and useful and more advanced than anything any lantern has ever produced before.

All of these factors combined mean that he is the ideal candidate for a green ring and would make a supremely powerful Green Lantern.

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Green Lantern
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.