Predicting Marvel's New Guardians Of The Galaxy

5. Nova

Guardians Of The Galaxy 1 Relaunch
Marvel Comics

Nova has great experience fighting alongside a team from his time in The New Warriors, and would certainly be welcomed into the new Guardians of the Galaxy by fans. He can be arrogant to a fault, but given how the previous team behaved, that's hardly a disqualifier now, is it?

He has, however, shown maturity and focus when it's mattered, such as his time spent training Spider-Girl. Dismissive of her originally, even angered by her very presence at times, he became a guiding hand.

Many fans were disappointed when the first Guardians movie featured the Nova Corps heavily but left Richard Rider out completely. Add in Nova's reputation as a loose cannon, rarely adhering to the strict Nova Corps dress code might have complicated an already loaded movie, but the new comic team could certainly rectify that.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)