X-Men: Apocalypse - 15 Questions Left By The Stupidest X-Movie Ever

14. Since When Did Electromagnetism Stop All Mutant Powers?

X Men Questions

A major addition to the mutant world in Apocalypse is the dampening effects of electricity. Throughout the film an charged fence is all you need to inhibit a mutant's powers; Nightcrawler can't teleport out of the fighting cage, Jean is unable to control the mind of Stryker's pilot and the only way to get the trapped mutants out at Alkali Lake is brute force.

When did this become a thing? Stryker did use electromagnetic cells in X-Men 2, yes, but there was no indication that was for anything more than physical containment (to the contrary, Nightcrawler was able to teleport in and out of those just fine). I get that when you've got so many characters with ridiculous levels of power you want a way to temporarily contain them to avoid story-breaking plot holes (hence why Professor X is consistently depowered/captured/killed), but this is such a lazy, un-set up version that exists just to save time in the writer's room.

It's not even consistent in the movie - how is Charles able to get inside the trapped mutant's heads? And why doesn't Storm's lightening zap away a foe's powers?


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.