10 Awesome Movie Twists You Can Legitimately Ruin For People

9. People Don't Think Of It As A Twist - The Wicker Man

edward woodward the wicker manThe Twist: It's all a trap/The Wicker Man is a sacrificial pyre. Wait, what? Look at any compendium of great twists and The Wicker Man is one that won't always feature. The original defined the late days of Hammer and became the touchstone modern British horror, pushing the ending to its high levels of notoriety. By the time the bee bothering Nicolas Cage remake came around the ending was no secret, remaining one element of the plot that stayed mostly unchanged (at least in concept). The original's poster showed the large wicker hulk, but unlit and as more of a pagan monument than the sacrificial pyre it was. Later releases (and the remake) had it burning, showing an acceptance of the twist being well known. And that same ideology crosses over to people who hadn't seen the movie. Tell someone the end and they'll probably shrug. It's an explanation of the title, not a twist. Stating the ending is viewed the same as revealing how Casablanca or Indiana Jones end; they're iconic and a response you'll likely receive will be "well duh".

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.