10 Biggest Lies Comic Book Movie Fans Tell Themselves

9. Extended Universes Can Sustain Themselves Forever

Infinity War Death
Marvel Studios

It's easy to believe that, with the sheer amount of comic book movies being made today that this is the way of cinema for the rest of time. Don't forget, it wasn't long ago that the Superhero movie was a huge event, with only a small handful being made at all, let alone the tens that are made and released now each year as part of extended universe rosters from both Marvel and DC. But this can't last, and nor should it.

Can you imagine a nightmare future in which the only films released are Superhero franchise movies? It might seem like a good thing, if you're a die hard fan, but would you really like to see a world in which all that's on offer is Thor 5, Iron Man 9, Planet Hulk and Captain America: The Summer Burrito and naught else?

No, extended universes will surely come crashing down under their own weight long before that happens.

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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.