10 Brilliantly Crazy Movie Fan Theories

8. Blair Witch Two Was Heather's Revenge

Jesus Transformers
Artisan Entertainment

Book Of Shadows is told from the perspective of its lead characters who it turns out are unreliable narrators – they’ve all committed murders they don’t remember. In fact, the entire film has a tenuous grip on reality, with great gaps in its logic (and credibility) and a supporting cast that bear no resemblance to real-world human beings.

Some might dismiss this as the inept fumblings of greedy filmmakers seeking to cash in on the first film, but there’s enough evidence to support an alternative argument – the entire film is taking place in Heather Donahue’s mind.

Think about it: for the first half hour, a group of caricatures mock The Blair Witch Project (and Donahue’s Razzie-winning performance in particular), after which they’re set upon by a mysterious force that’s never explained, but its powers include the ability to make one character start talking backwards.

After two of the girls are murdered, everyone else is arrested and found guilty of a crime they have no memory of, which is clearly Donahue’s subconscious exacting revenge.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'