10 Gaping Movie Plot Holes You Probably Never Noticed

3. Ticket Sales (2012)

2012 2012, along with every CGI mash-up Roland Emmerich has ever directed, is full of plot holes and discrepancies. For starters, the main character Jackson Curtis hears from a guy in Yellowstone national park that the world is ending based on a paper published in 1958. Einstein supported it, at least according to Woody Harrelson€™s character, despite him dying in 1955 three years before it was published. That's pretty impressive work. After this the most damaging plot hole is still to come. In 2012 the United States government pay for the costs of five huge ships by selling tickets for a billion euros a piece, in order to save the paying customers when the world ends, hence why most of the survivors on the ships are wealthy. In fact Jackson Curtis and his family only manage to survive by clinging to a billionaire Russian investor and his brat kids for the entire movie. The logic of this however doesn€™t make a lot of sense: what the government seems to forget is that the world is ending; why not just print new money to construct the ships if in two years, when the Earth has totally flooded and 99% of the human population is dead, all the current account deficits and basically the economy itself won€™t exist?

Josh Fox hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.