10 Glorious Deaths In Forgettable Films

9. Loki Dies, Again - Thor: The Dark World

It's been well documented how flat this second edition of the Mighty Thor fell upon its release in 2013.

Much of the hand to hand combat feels as though, stylistically, it could have been pulled straight out of a TV show, which is understandable when you assign a Game of Thrones director (Alan Taylor) to helm this kind of project. Some of the dialogue feels overly cliched and let's not even get into Malekith (Christopher Eccleston).

All talk of underwhelming aside, The Dark World does offer us one of the single most romantic deaths in all of superhero lore.

As Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is fighting off the merciless head-henchman, Kurse, he finds himself being completely outgunned. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) notices this and uses his prowess to sneak up on the bad guy and stab him through the chest. Only for Kurse to swing around and impale the God of Mischief on the same blade, before it being revealed that Loki has planted a bomb on the beast's back.

Hiddleston manages to cut through the basic verbiage he is given to spout and provides us with an emotive few dying embers of a character that had become so beloved over the course of his first three appearances.

Obviously, Marvel would retcon this by the end of the movie - with the reveal of Loki posing as Odin in his comatose state at the end of the film - but the initial impact of the death is worth remembering.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...