10 Greatest Comic Book Movie Endings

9. Spider-Man - Peter Rejects MJ For The Greater Good

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Spider-Man took the opportunity to lecture the audience about the merits of responsibility in positions of power, so it was good to see the movie put its money where its mouth is right at the end.

Sure, the choreography during the final battle between Spidey and the Green Goblin is ham-fisted and the dialogue is awkward, but it includes epic moments too, like that pumpkin bomb exploding in the hero's face and the villain's impalement by his own glider.

Spider-Man saves the day, but it was only after the final battle that he earned his hero stripes. In the next scene, Peter Parker meets Mary Jane in a graveyard and she confesses her love for him.

Even though this is something Peter wanted more than anything, he rejects her, knowing that their coupling will only put her in danger due to the amount of enemies Spidey was certain to make in countless sequels.

This was a true act of heroism that harks back to Ben Parker's immortal words about power and responsibility, and it left just enough time for Spider-Man to triumphantly swing through New York City before the credits rolled.


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