10 Horrific Truths Behind Your Favourite Disney Movies

3. The Frog Prince Originally Asked For Decapitation Rather Than A Kiss - The Princess & The Frog

Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures

There are many versions of "The Frog Prince" that came before the tale we all know today. These versions means to transform the prince were a little more violent than a simple kiss, though. These methods included decapitating the frog, burning the frog alive and beating the frog against a wall until he turned into the prince.

So let's all be thankful that someone finally stepped in and changed "beaten to a pulp" to "kissed."


Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.