10 Ingredients To Making A Perfect Modern Day RoboCop Film

10. The Original Theme

Robocop Aside from fueling adrenaline and solidifying the action scenes with legendary status, the original composition is structured in a way to align with one of the major themes of the movie; part man, part machine. It is intentionally composed as a mixture of both orchestral and synthetic in style. Parts of it are also pretty brooding and mysterious, even better reflecting the internal struggle of identity. It is essentially perfect as it is, and really didn't need to be tinkered with outside of remastering it for higher audio quality. http://youtu.be/O_AkU8wJ1ZA Apparently, the theme from 1987 just wasn't hip enough for Hollywood executives these days, as they opted to remix the song entirely. And thus it is updated into an obnoxiously sounding rock song bearing no resemblance to any of the themes whatsoever. Even when the beats of the classic theme do kick in, it's drowned out by loud noises and an overblown tone that mimics contemporary blockbuster scores. Furthermore, why doesn't any version of the original theme play during the ending credits? This vastly inferior version would have still been preferred to a lame shoehorning in of "I Fought The Law". It just feels unsanitary not to play the classic theme after the film cuts to black. http://youtu.be/Ww-v24t7468

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.