10 Most Likable Movie Villains Of All Time

9. Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Loki The Avengers
20th Century Fox

Borne out of a corporate employee's dissatisfaction with his consumerist lifestyle - coupled with a long stint of insomnia - Tyler Durden is many things: A soap salesman, a minimalist, an underground brawler. He's also one suave, persuasive fella who's able to get the audience on his side almost immediately.

The fact that [SPOILER] we don't learn Tyler Durden is the antagonist of the film until more than halfway through allows us to first appreciate his reckless demeanor and anarchist philosophies from a safe distance. His anti-establishment idealism is easy to get onboard with because he's trying to help our 9 to 5 chum live life to the fullest.

By the time we figure out The Narrator's dirty little secret - namely, that he suffers from dissociative identity disorder - it barely matters that The Narrator doesn't want him around anymore. We still want him around.

He's already built up far too much goodwill with his dorky dancing, drunken golfing, and porno splicing ways to suddenly hate him once he drops the pretense of Fight Club and moves toward Project Mayhem, a group whose aim is to bring down civilization altogether. "So long civilization," we say. "We don't need you anymore. We have Tyler now."

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The Avengers
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.