10 Most Out-Of-Control Teens In Film

These lot deserve to be grounded!

Not doing homework, staying out past curfew, eating too much junk food. That's the behaviour of teenagers who are unquestionably out of control, right? Certainly to some parents it might seem so (and that's absolutely fair). Things are amplified in the movies though, and compared to the crazy teens in this list, those sorts of activities are pretty much a 1 on the out-of-control scale. Although a lot of these teenage traits are the sort of things we don't condone in real life, there's something attractive about watching young adults get up to no good on the big screen. Sure, role model-type teens have given cinema a lot of great characters, but it's the ones with a bit of a wild side that are more fun to watch. There's a thrill to watching them get away with the things people would be scolded for in real life. For many people, it's human nature to be attracted to danger or to have a crush on that bad boy or bad girl. And luckily, there are plenty of great films featuring characters satisfy that lust. From underage drinking to hard drugs to straight-up murder, the bunch of boys and girls on this list have done it all. And watching them do it, depending on the tone of the film in question, can be hilarious, thought-provoking or even deeply disturbing. Sometimes even all in the same film.

Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.