10 Most Powerful Characters In Spider-Man Movies

10. Spider-Man (The Amazing Spider-Man Movies)

Bet you didn't see that coming? The fact is, the very nature of Spider-Man is that he's the underdog. He always fights against the odds. His villains - or at least the ones who are known for their physical abilities, as opposed to their genius - are often more powerful than him. That's definitely the case in the movies. In terms of his powers, he has a decent level of super-strength, is fast enough to dodge bullets, is extremely durable and has artificial web-shooters that fire very strong webbing. He also had keen senses - including a Spider-sense that alerted him to danger. More often than not, however - and this applies to Andrew Garfield's version in particular - he relies on keeping out of the villain's way and working his opponents up with snappy dialogue. He is the least powerful of the super-powered characters in all of the Spider-Man movies to date.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.