10 Most Powerful Items In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. Gungnir

Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios

A magical spear used by whoever rules Asgard (in the movies, Odin and then Loki), Gungnir is made from Asgardian metal and capable of firing sustained energy blasts, while it's also enchanted to recognise its holder as Asgard's true ruler and therefore send the Destroyer to do any bidding it so wishes.

Perhaps the most interesting facet of its power is the ability to harness different forms of energy, such as when Odin used dark energy to send Thor to Earth in The Avengers despite the Bifrost Bridge having been broken in Thor.

That the spear can transcend a destructive event that was built up to be so utterly devastating in Thor is mightily impressive (if a bit of an anti-climax narratively speaking), and that it can channel so much more that audiences haven't yet seen only hints at its potential for future movies, though, again, Ragnarok leaves its future in some degree of doubt.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.