10 Movie Showdowns That Totally Sucked

A memorable showdown in a movie can mean everything; it can cement the film forever in the pop culture pantheon, remembered for decades for the epic battle between the determined protagonist and fierce villain. When it's done right, it creates veritable movie magic, but when it's done wrong...uh...not so much. Regrettably, for every stunning movie showdown, there's usually one that doesn't quite make the cut, either because the whole idea was terrible from the outset, or because the casting was wrong, or the director just didn't have a firm grasp on how to shoot an exciting action scene. Whatever the reason, these 10 showdowns completely blew it - a couple even seemingly on purpose - when they had the chance to forge an unforgettable moment of cinema. I suppose it remains unforgettable, but just for the wrong reason.

10. Spider-Man vs. Venom - Spider-Man 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naRLLTqkk10 Sam Raimi's third entry into the Spider-Man franchise certainly suffered from being hyped to Hell, such that it was always going to disappoint in some form. It didn't bode well from the outset that Raimi admitted prior to release that he was never particularly fond of fan favourite villain Venom (Topher Grace), the character who most of the film's hype was surrounding. Raimi's clear lack of enthusiasm shows through into the final product; Venom, who shows off his human face far too much, enters into a disappointingly clumsy, 2-minute fight with Spidey that makes the revered supervillain look like an absolute chump. The problem was that Sam Raimi stuffed the film with far too many villains, and we end up getting only a brief stand-off between the two before Eddie Brock ends up dying along with the symbiote. It does no justice at all to what Venom means to the legion of comic book fans.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.