10 New Year's Resolutions For 2013's Biggest Movie Characters

10. To Move On With Her Life - Dr Ryan Stone (Gravity)

On her disastrous first space walk we learnt a lot about Ryan Stone: aside from the fact that she could out-scream a banshee, we learn that she tragically lost her little girl, which has ruined her life. As a result of this awful turn of events she has sheltered herself from the world and simply drives around for hours after work. This perpetual sleeplessness brings up a lot of health concerns and it also seems to have taken a severe psychological toll. When she is separated from Matt Kowalski who sacrificed his life so that she could keep hers, her first instinct is to allow herself to die. Now, when you're surrounded by the unforgiving emptiness of space, alone, that's to be understood somewhat, but when you think about it, her lack of spirit is quite a selfish attitude. Luckily for her though, the lack of oxygen gives her helpful hallucinations, which make her able to escape back to Earth. This is just the beginning for Stone. The imagery as she pulls herself on to the shore suggests redemption and a new start for her but one of humanity's greatest failings is the tendency to relapse, and there's every chance that Kowalski's death will just reinforce her hopeless cycle. Hopefully if she sticks to this resolution and moves on with her life it will be less of a catastrophe than what she lived through in space.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson