10 Perfect Casting Choices To Support Tom Holland’s Spider-Man

9. Jean DeWolff – Megan Boone

Tom Holland Spider-Man Cast

Ultron’s James Spader isn’t the only star from Blacklist Marvel should have their eyes on.

Megan Boone is a surprisingly underrated talent and one who can’t be far from making the big leap from television to film. When first introduced in Blacklist, she wasn’t  exactly the most interesting of characters, but she’s developed fantastically throughout the series and has turned Agent Keen from flounderer into an utter badass. She’s tough, tactical, decisive and undying loyal – all qualities that makes her the perfect choice for Jean DeWolff.

DeWolff seems to be a character that goes unnoticed when people consider Spider-Man’s supporting cast. She’s one of Spider-Man’s closest allies in the police force and occasionally worked alongside the wallcrawler, most notably against the Kingpin which would also make her a great addition to the Marvel Netflix series.

Jean DeWolff is as under rated a character in Spider-Man’s canon as Megan Boone is an actress – making them the perfect match.


An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.