10 Reasons Edge Of Tomorrow Is The Most Important Blockbuster Of 2014

Watch. Love. Repeat.

The summer blockbuster season is officially in full swing, and the next three months will see the multiplex packed with big-budget movies: some will be huge success stories, whilst others will inevitably be soon forgotten, or worse, remembered for entirely the wrong reasons. Of them all, there is one that deserves your attention more than any other, and it€™s Doug Liman€™s Edge Of Tomorrow. Not since Inception has there been a sci-fi film without the superheroics that is so worthy of your price of admission. And in cinematic terms, four years is basically an eternity. The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Christopher Nolan€™s The Dark Knight Trilogy have done an amazing job reinventing the superhero genre, but it€™s resulted in studios chasing the latest tentpole in that field, with fewer and fewer summer blockbusters falling outside those realms. Too often studios try to tailor projects to what they think audiences will want to see (translation: be willing to pay for), rather than creating something original and of a high calibre and having faith that the masses will flock. Edge Of Tomorrow is one of those rare second types of tentpole: it€™s brilliant and Warner Bros. know it. Their only difficulty has been persuading others of that fact, and if the likes of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are ready to predict the end of the blockbuster as we know it, you€™d better believe that the success of films like Edge Of Tomorrow is essential for those of us wanting them to live on.

Movie / TV enthusiast with a DVD and Blu-ray collection bigger than I'd care to admit. If anyone is offering creative / furniture solutions to house them, I'm all ears.