10 Reasons Nolan's Batman Is Actually A Total Pussy

10. His Punches Make The Joker Laugh

Joker The Joker isn't exactly the easiest guy to push over, but The Dark Knight is pretty clear about the fact that his insanity and his ruthless dedication to complex plots are what make him the fearsome foe he is. He's not a powerhouse like Bane, or a masterfully skilled combatant like Ra's Al Ghul, and he lacks the fatal self-destructive strand that makes Two Face so dangerous. He is a master tactician, who embraces chaos, but is just as tightly regulated as Batman (though by a compulsion to destroy and provoke) and there's little sense that he's a fighter. And yet, Batman's attempts to provoke and terrify him during interrogation lead to little more than a slightly put-out look and worse, some of that infectious, unhinged laughter. All that training, all that expensive tech, and Batman can't even make a lunatic without so much as a single ninja skill to his name cower and shrink in his presence. He's supposed to be a huge physical threat, and yet, his interrogation of the Joker might as well have been a ferocious tickling session, and even worse than that, at one point later in the film, a fight between them results in the Joker unthinkably over-powering the Bat. Simply wouldn't happen.

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