10 Sci-Fi Movies That Almost Had Way Better Endings

10. The Wormhole Collapses & Cooper Sacrifices Himself - Interstellar

The ending to Christopher Nolan's mind-bending sci-fi movie, Interstellar, divided a lot of people, with some film-goers complaining that the director "gave into sentimentality" when he was supposed to be shooting for scientific accuracy. That's to say, in its current form, the Kubrick-inspired picture ends with Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) entering a black hole and winding up inside "the tesseract of space." Here, he manages to send a message to his daughter, Murph, at the start of the film, which - in turn - sets the plot in motion. He returns home, reunites with his aged daughter, and then - the world saved - leaves to help with the colonisation of a new planet. Much of this ending continues to confuse a bunch of people, and was deemed by many to be far too happy when viewed alongside the rest of the film. There was an alternate ending, however, which - according to co-writer Jonathan Nolan - would have seen Cooper sending back the appropriate data but also being trapped inside the wormhole whilst it collapsed. Thus, Cooper would have heroically died in his attempts to prevent the end of mankind, and that misty-eyed conclusion could have been avoided.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.