10 Shocking Stories From The Star Wars Expanded Universe

4. Leia Couldn't Forgive Anakin

If there€™s one thing that Return Of The Jedi rushes past, it€™s the sins of Anakin Skywalker. Yes, he sacrificed his life to save his son €“ and the galaxy €“ but that doesn€™t bring back the population of Alderaan that he was complicit in murdering, or the Younglings he personally slaughtered, or his Jedi peers who died thanks to Order 66, or Padme€ You get the picture. Kathy Tyer€™s 1993 novel The Truce At Bakura dealt with Anakin€™s conscience in an interesting way. As a Force ghost, he appears to Leia shortly after the events of the final film, and begs that she forgive him. But she can€™t. The Princess sends the former Sith Lord on his way and gets on with the task in hand (which happens to be overthrowing a planet still under Imperial rule). As Vader, Anakin tortured Leia and destroyed her home world. It makes sense that she wouldn€™t be able to let that lie. In The Force Awakens, it€™ll be interesting to see how the shadow of Vader hangs over the Skywalker family. A lot of time has passed, but they€™re still the children of a murderous despot, albeit one who turned his life around at the very last minute. That can€™t be good for your self confidence or reputation, can it?

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.