10 Totally Awful "Comedies" With One Hilarious Scene

3. Britney Spears - Meet the Spartans

Meet the Spartans Meet the Spartans was another terrible movie from the Friedberg/Seltzer stable of anti-comedy, though they were at least courteous enough to give us the funniest scene in the trailer, so nobody would have to suffer through the entire movie just to get to this little gem. The Spartans come across Britney Spears for absolutely no reason at all, sitting in a chair with a (clearly fake) baby in tow, singing to it and then hilariously breathing and hissing on it like a demented lunatic. By this point, the guy who is clearly supposed to resemble Gerard Butler's Leonidas from 300 - does anyone really care or even remember what his name is in this movie? - is fed up, and kicks her down a well, just as Leonidas did to a poor messenger in the original movie. Seeing "Britney" take a tumble is as funny as the film gets, but one has to ask - where the Hell did the baby go in the final shot?

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.