10 Truly Awful Video Game Movies Sonic Might Be Worse Than

9. Tekken


Though neither the games nor the movies seem particularly similar, there’s at least one clear parallel running through both Sonic and Tekken. The basic plot of the game is thin on the ground, so the movie has to beef itself up. Though, if Tekken’s anything to go by, it might prove to be too much.

Tekken has a twisted narrative and does have a story thread running through each game, but there’s also several non canon arcs for various fighters, split narratives depending on the game mode, plus chainsaw androids and literal demons.

The film, somewhat sensibly, decided instead to focus on a narrative where a street fighter enters the Iron Fist tournament, so maybe they should’ve called it Street Figh... oh.

Likewise, collecting rings and jumping on Robotnik’s rocket ship until it breaks will probably be changed to something with more of a narrative in Sonic.

Unlike some of the later entries here, Tekken is at least watchable, as long as you know what you’re getting yourself in for. Sonic’s terrible trailer have ensured its own audience will go in with low expectations, so it’s got that part down pat at least.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)