12 British Actors We'd Love to See In Marvel Movies (And Who They Could Play)

12. Gerard Butler (Captain Britain)

butlerbritain Gerard Butler was rumoured to have been linked to this role back in 2009, but nothing ever came to fruition. However, it's hard to deny that he could pull it off. Captain Britain, AKA Brian Braddock, was granted superhuman powers by the magician Merlyn and his daughter Roma and subsequently has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses, whilst he can also fly and generate forcefields. He is strongly linked with the X-Men and is indeed the brother of Psylocke - a psychic member of the X-Men - so could potentially appear in both an X-Men movie or a movie of his own. With his rugged good looks and husky voice, Butler would be perfect for a dark interpretation of the character - akin to Batman rather than Spider-Man - in a potential titular movie or supporting role.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.