12 Comic Book Movie Characters Who Deserved Better Deaths

8. Jonathan Kent (Man Of Steel)

One of the stupidest deaths in comic book movie history was inflicted upon a very good man - Kevin Costner's Jonathan Kent. Kent perished when he was caught in the middle of a tornado and, not wanting him to give away his secret identity, he refused to let his son Clark - AKA the man who would become Superman - save him. Kent deserved better - he had protected Clark for long enough, it was time for Clark to protect him. Although it was essentially his decision to die in the tornado, the fact is it was a cruel way to go. He had spent all of Clark's life protecting him and shaping him into a good man. Essentially, his guidance was the reason Clark was able to develop into a superhero and not abuse his powers. His demise seemed so needless and could so easily have been avoided - wouldn't the people present at the time have been more concerned about their own survival than about watching Clark effortlessly save his father? We believe so.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.