12 Tech Advances We Should Have By Now (According To Movies)

12. Housekeeping Androids

Promised By: Bicentennial Man The Robin Williams robot movie was a fun, if slightly waffling story of an android who, over a period of two centuries gradually converts himself from robot to human. It's partly based on a novel written by the daddy of all sci-fi robotics, Isaac Asimov, so it's understandably rife with robo-ethics, but that's not the main concern here, as we've already passed the date by which we could have bought an android of our own. Andrew the housekeeping android was bought by Sam Neill and his family in 2005, that's nine whole years ago. In the best part of a decade now, we've all being doing our own housework like the chumps we are, when someone should really have pulled their finger out and released a line of robo-butlers. Whilst you may have conflicting thoughts on the consequences of having a robotic version of Robin Williams set loose in your house, there's no denying the weight it'd lift from the dreaded Sunday morning hungover clear up.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.