13 Crazy Movie Pitches That Would Have Ruined 2015

Gun-totting dinosaurs are just the beginning...

It goes without saying that 2015 is going to probably be one of the most interesting and exciting years in cinema ever, what with so many big-budget franchise movies due for release, from the fanboy-friendly Star Wars Episode VII to the lovable charm of the Minions. As great a year as it's probably going to be, things could easily have gone south quickly if these 13 movie pitches actually made it past the executive review process. Whether they're alternate plots for movies that are actually being made or absurd movie ideas that nobody in their right mind wants to watch, these concepts have all been discussed, most of them have been definitely shot down, and a few have (thankfully) just disappeared into the creative ether. So, what qualifies as a crazy movie pitch? Well, the above image pretty much says it all, but apart from that, there's also belated sequels nobody wants to see, reboots that only a desperate exec could even consider making, and attempts to adapt just about every toy ever marketed to children into money-spinning tentpole flicks. These movies instead appear to rest lifeless in Hollywood's creative graveyard, and short of a miraculous travesty, that's exactly where they'll stay. Here are 13 crazy movie pitches that would have ruined 2015...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.