13 Things You Learn Re-Watching Jurassic World

12. The Kids Are Ghastly

Jurassic World Poster Bryce Dallas Howard

The franchise does not have a good track with kid characters.

Lex and Tim, in the original, are one of the best examples out there of terrible characters in a great movie and they drag the entire thing down. That being said, they're not as awful as Dr Ian Malcolm's gymnast daughter Kelly from the second film. As for Jurassic Park III's Eric Kirby, he's just a bit of charmless bore.

With Gray and Zach Mitchell, the franchise has probably delivered its worst kid characters yet: Zach is moody and dull, Gray is whiny and a grating chatterbox, but both are insufferable in equal measure. Picking which one is worse is nearly impossible.

It's not any particular fault of the actors necessarily, but the writing certainly wasn't on point. Given that they spend so much time separated from the other characters, their subplot keeps distracting from the main action as well and ruins the film's flow.

Meanwhile, the family drama involving them and Claire is just tedious and their "we're here for each other" moment towards the end is cringe-worthy beyond belief. The franchise has now delivered an OK kid character with Fallen Kingdom's Maisie Lockwood (despite that awful plot twist) but it's a huge shame this couldn't have been done a film earlier.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.