13 Things You Learn Re-Watching Jurassic World

11. Owen's A Good Lead

Jurassic World Poster Bryce Dallas Howard

By far and away the best character in the film (and to be honest the only genuinely good human one aside from Dr Henry Wu), Chris Pratt's Owen Grady is a well-rounded and developed action hero. Although the actor basically gets through the entire film with one expression, he still gives a good performance and this is his best film role outside of the MCU and The Lego Movie.

Interestingly, Pratt was cast before he'd become the big star he is now - he was brought in based on his work in Zero Dark Thirty - so the film ended up with a major star by a happy accident, and Pratt's return in Fallen Kingdom was one of the few things about the film that people were optimistic about prior to its release.

Owen is the best-written character in the film for sure: he's a charismatic lead without being overly smug like some action heroes are, while he's also likable, decent, and the only person who seems to care about the safety of the park guests or the dinosaurs.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.