15 Movie Characters Who Look Nothing Like They Did In Real Life

10. Henry Hill - Goodfellas

Goodfellas is, and probably will remain given how all subsequent movies in the genre have just copied it, the greatest gangster film of all time (sorry Godfather). Telling the real life rise and fall of street-level mobster Henry Hill, Martin Scorsese's movie was quick on the draw, coming out only four years after Nicholas Pileggi's book based on Hill's exloits was published.

Spanning decades, the film feels incredibly authentic; not only giving a proper insight into the structure of the New York crime scene, it presents the passage of time perfectly with its set design and the director's typically spot-on music choice. The only place the film doesn't have the authenticity is in its central role; Ray Liotta may deliver a career best performance as Henry, but boy does he look nothing like the real guy.

The other actors cast in the film, particularly Robert De Niro as Jimmy Conway (in real life his surname was Burke), all look much more in keeping with their real life counterparts.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.