20 Most Satisfying Movie Moments

19. Simba Takes His Place On Pride Rock - The Lion King (1994)

Lion King Gif

We're not sure whether it's the nostalgia factor kicking in here, but the moment when Simba - having fought his evil uncle Scar to the death in order to reclaim the Pridelands - returns to Pride Rock, serves as one the most satisfying moments in the entire Disney animated movie canon. "It is time," echoes the wise mandrill Rafiki, as the lion we've followed from a mere cub to adulthood assume his rightful place in the circle of life. It's a powerful, arguably spiritual, goosebump-giving moment, made even more so by Hans Zimmer's undeniably epic score.

18. "It's Just Been Revoked..." - Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Lethal Weapon 2 In the follow-up to what is perhaps the best buddy comedy ever made, our heroes Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh are forced into a violent confrontation with a corrupt South African diplomat named Arjen Rudd. Rudd spends most of the movie parading around L.A. doing whatever he likes (including murdering cops and smuggling vast sums of cash), whilst hiding behind his precious "diplomatic immunity." After watching Rudd commit crime after crime and foil Riggs and Murtaugh for much of the movie, then, the point at which he meets his doom is one of the most plainly satisfying moments in action movie history, if only for the way in which Danny Glover dispatches him. "Diplomatic immunity!' cries Rudd as Murtaugh points his six shooter at the b*stard. With a roll of his neck, Murtaugh fires, hitting Rudd right in the forehead. "It's just been revoked," he deadpans. Pure bliss. Satisfaction never felt so ruddy good.

Adrian Smith was born in Singapore City and moved to London when he was five. He writes for the internet full-time, and occasionally makes travel documentaries (the last one was about Moscow). He has a cat called Louis.