31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

12. The Baby - Trainspotting

Baby Trainspotting

Drugs are bad kids. If Trainspotting left any sort of indelible imprint on the minds of everyone who watched it, it's probably that one - what with Kevin McKidd's character taking up heroin as a hobby and ending up being poisoned by cat piss...

Somewhat confusingly, the film also shows the problems with not having drugs - or specifically, coming off them when you're hooked, in a painfully memorable sequence that sees Ewan McGregor's Renton struggling in "junkie limbo" and trying to get himself clean. It's staged like a dream sequence, as Renton struggles with reality and has been praised for its authenticity, but that all pales into insignificance because it's almost unwatchable thanks to a gravity defying zombie baby.

Having earlier seen another character's baby die of neglect because heroin is way too delicious, Renton is haunted in his cold turkey hell by the infant, who crawls along his ceiling horribly before turning its head all the way round and falling on him. It's bloody awful.


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