5 Comic Book Movie Villains Who You Actually Felt Sorry For

4. Doctor Octopus - Spider Man 2

This eight limbed scientist is viewed by many as the strongest point of Sam Raimi's Spider Man trilogy, and for good reason too, he simply stole the show in Spider Man 2, but it begs the question, was he really a full blown villain? No, of course he wasn't. He was an antagonist yes, but not a villain. Let's look at why, firstly, all he wanted to do was to provide a sustainable energy source for the world, so he had no bad intentions to start with. All he wanted was for his dream to come true, and he could not do that without his mechanical arms. Now we all make mistakes, and thanks to Otto's mistake his machine malfunctioned, killing his wife and shattering his inhibitor chip, meaning that Doc Ock is actually not the villain, but the mechanical arms are. Granted they are just machines but thanks to Otto's genius he made them too smart and they were able to outsmart him. Luckily by the end he realised what he had done and immediately sacrificed himself to save New York, uttering the famous last words 'I will not die a monster'. We heard you Otto, and you did not die a monster, but as a tragic hero.

Just a regular, everyday guy who loves to write and have his work published. Long time fan of DC and Marvel comics and loves nothing more than to see his fave characters adapted on screen.